You can select any non-profit organization registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization. Charity+Power uses a third-party web-service from GuideStar that contains information on over 1.5 million US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. If you can’t find your nonprofit on Charity+Power, first try searching by the EIN (Tax ID). If you still can’t locate your nonprofit, go to the website and search for your charity there. If you find your charity on the GuideStar website, simply email and ask that the charity be opted in to their third party web-feed. Within 24 hours the charity will show up on our data base of non-profits. If you don’t see your charity on GuideStar, you can contact us or reach out to them directly but note that GuideStar receives a file from the IRS an average of 11 times a year of organizations who are deemed eligible to be listed as a nonprofit so it will take at most, a month and a half before your nonprofit can be automatically included in the GuideStar database.
Charity+Power is also an aggregator of customers interested in participating in a community solar program in the States of California, Maryland, Maine, Minnesota and the District of Columbia and receiving 100% renewable solar power and savings of approximately 10% compared to your current electric utility rate charge. Upon enrollment, Charity+Power will donate $100 to the nonprofit of your choice.