Your current electric provider:
Your current electric provider:
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Rate Schedule RS-1 | 8.9¢ kWh | Effective through 12/31/16 |
Your current natural gas provider:
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Rate Schedule GS-1 | 3.49¢ Ccf | Effective through 12/31/16 |
[/t_plan][t_plan title=”Electric Plan 2 ” color=”blue” shadow=”true” button_text=”Select” button_link=”#” icon=”fa-bolt” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_background=”#1e73be” width=”1/3″]
[/t_plan][t_plan title=”Natural Gas Plan 1″ color=”red” shadow=”true” button_text=”Select” button_link=”#” icon=”fa-fire” icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_background=”#dd3333″ width=”1/3″]
You will see a line item on your electric bill for energy charges that are charged by our retail electric provider. This charge includes a 10% mark-up of our cost of providing the electric power (or what we refer to as the “utility profit”), which is the portion of your bill that will be paid to your favorite charity.
Charity+Power is also an aggregator of customers interested in participating in a community solar program in the States of California, Maryland, Maine, Minnesota and the District of Columbia and receiving 100% renewable solar power and savings of approximately 10% compared to your current electric utility rate charge. Upon enrollment, Charity+Power will donate $100 to the nonprofit of your choice.